Saturday, June 20, 2009

The week in review:)

Josh can't help himself. He is ready to get Jax riding:)

Jax is a clean bean:)

Jax has started to like the water. He is getting very venturous lately with things that fascinate him. It is fun to watch him.

Jax and Marv are the best of buds. Jax Man likes to pull on his tail and Marv just sits and lets him do it:)

Jax has started to crawl. I am having a hard time keeping up with him.

Jax Man playing around and having fun. He had a hard time getting out of this toy:)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Our walk

Jax man ready to go on the walk. This is the first time he has sat all alone in his stroller without the car seat part. He is becoming such a little man:)

This was Jax Man at the end of our walk tonight.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Older pictures:) I can't believe Jax is already 7 months:)

Jax at 6 months:) The lady taking the picture asked me if his wide open mouth was his smile and I said why yes isn't that great:)

Jax first hair cut done by dad:)

Jax Man on his first flight to Vegas. PS bad picture of mom. That is why you never see me on here:)

Clam digging at Ocean Shores. They were real troopers. Jax didn't cry at all:) He loves being outside.

Josh is going to kill me with this picture. He is always worried what he looks like in public and then he wears his rubber boots out in public. Way tooooo funny:)

This is Jax at 4 months

These are Jax's favorite buddies at home. Marvin and Slater:)

One of my favorite pictures. You gotta love this baby:)

This was our favorite 6 month picture of Jax Man:)

This was Jax 6 month picture.