Monday, October 26, 2009

Jax helping Papa burn some piles

Jax Man loves being outside. He was helping papa burn some piles of brush. What a good little helper. Wonder what he will do when he grows up??? Something outside:)

Jax 1 year birthday party:

Jax didn't go to sleep until about 11 o'clock at night. He was wound up tighter than a kite. His birthday kept going for about three days straight with all of the celebrating. I guess you are only 1 once.

Jax took a little time to get warmed up to the smashing of the cake on his face. It was cute to watch him smear frosting all over his face and head.

Time to blow out the candles

Jax Man and his first birthday cake. Jax's dad helped him blow out his first candle. Jax just watched his cousin blow out the rest of the candles.

Time for presents

Jax Man had a great time opening presents. He liked to rip the paper. I can't wait for Christmas he is going to be a wild man:)

Pinata time:)

Jax Man wasn't to sure about the pinata. He had a good time watching all of the kids hit it. Maybe next year he will be ready:)

Jax's birthday cake/games

Jax had a really cute cake that tasted pretty good. He did a good job pinning the tail on the donkey. He shared his birthday party with his cousin who had a birthday on October 18th.

Jax Man having a birthday lunch at Red Robin:)

Jax Man on his birthday. Josh and I took the day off to hang out with him. We went to Red Robin for lunch.