Jax was helping me pack the trailer for the weekend:) Great helper stood smack dab in the middle of the doorway:)
This was his ride to the Oregon Coast for Memorial Weekend. He got a little restless at times, but did a good job:)
Jax had a good time camping he didn't want to be in the trailer at all. He refused to come in even when it was down pooring. He liked playing with all of his cousins and grandma and papa even came to see us for the day:)
We all played pretty hard this weekend. Pool, playgrounds, walks, beach, aquarium and fire pit. Jax was pretty tired when we got home. Long nap and early to bed:)
Jax had a fun time he got to feed the seals some fish. Stuck his hands in a tank and felt the starfish, but really splashed everyone standing around the tank. Josh and I had a fun time watching him look at everything.
A plane flew over and Jax shouted plane really loud. So he was pointing at it.
We went to Seaside to check out the aquarium because the weather was so bad. We were sitting around the fire with umbrellas. Jax had a good time playing in the sand.
Jax always wants me to put him in this window and wait for dad to come home. Well sometimes the waiting takes forever and ever:) So when dad finally comes home Jax yells through the window DAD, DAD, DAD. Then he wants down and runs to the front door to see dad. Pretty cute stuff. I love you Jax Man:)
This was the best day ever. Josh, Jax and I just hung out all day. I got this water table for Jax and we played with it for about an hour. We added some rice to the water and made a real mess with it. Oh ya and I didn't get out of my PJ's all day. Josh tried to make waffles, but put to much of something YUCKY in them so he got us coffee and donuts from town. Lunch was Subway and dinner was take out hamburgers. These were all on my request:) I loved it. Really relaxing day:) Josh did a good job of taking care of us:)
Lets just say Jax almost killed the grass with how much water he ran. He loved every minute of playing with the hose. I think we changed him 4 different times. He loves exploring and is into everything seeing how it works. It is pretty cool to see him learning all of these new things.