Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visiting Great Grandma Bertha

Jax and Jenessa went to McCleary to visit with great grandma Bertha. They also stopped and checked out the train that is in town at the park. Grandma Sackrider is always taking them on great adventures:)


Jax loves to put on his dads helmet. It is pretty cute he falls forward because he gets top heavy and we have to pick him back up. I think it is time for his own helmet:) If he doesn't have Josh's helmet on you will see him walking around with his bike helmet on. All he wants to do is ride and helmet:) I think dad is rubbin off on him.

Puddle Splashing:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Puyallup Fair 2010

The kids loved this train ride.

Jax liked all the animals and was at the petting area.


Baby chicks


He would spend his entire day on one of these if he could. If this wasn't available he would opt for a quad or any motorized vehicle.


Baby Pigs

A goat that he got freaked out by and at the last minute wouldn't pet. It was funny to watch him.



These two wanted out of the strollers and wanted to splash in the puddles. I let Jax Man go for it. I am glad I brought 3 sets of clothes because I had to change him 3 different times. They had a blast at the fair.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cute Random Pictures

Jenessa and Jax are more like brother and sister not cousins:) They get along really well and love hanging out with grandma. Grandma bought them some new rain gear so they can stomp in the puddles:) They are also hanging out with Tracker:)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Josh and papa went fishing in Westport

This is all of us helping clean the salmon that Josh and papa brought home from a charter boat fishing trip out of Westport. They both got their limits (2 salmon each).